Journey to Bird's Paradise
Wonderful Saylam, the author of the book "Journey to Birds' Paradise", lives in Istanbul with her children. He reads stories to his children every night before they go to sleep, and believes that every child should spend their childhood listening to stories. He is lucky to have spent his childhood reading different books on boat trips with his family...
199.00 TL
The Ayurvedic Journey of the Novice Yogi
Who is Esra E. KARAOSMANOĞLU? Esra E. Karaosmanoğlu, who is a lawyer by profession, has given her heart to Yoga since 2001. He has been giving uninterrupted yoga classes since 2004, when he received his "Hatha Yoga" certificate from his teacher, Adnan Ananda Siddhivo Çabuk. In 2016, "Advanced...
199.00 TL
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The Novice Yogi's Handbook - Yoga for Beginners
Who is Esra E. KARAOSMANOĞLU? Esra E. Karaosmanoğlu, who is a lawyer by profession, has given her heart to Yoga since 2001. He has been giving uninterrupted yoga classes since 2004, when he received his "Hatha Yoga" certificate from his teacher, Adnan Ananda Siddhivo Çabuk. In 2016, "Advanced...
199.00 TL
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Anatomy Trains book in Turkish
What are Anatomy Trains? Traditional anatomical perspective; Emphasizes isolated muscles running end-to-end, bone to bone. Anatomy Trains expands our understanding of myofascial force transmission and its effects. That is, the strain distribution can be determined (both in healthy and patients) from the injury area or the painful area.
1,500.00 TL
Yin Yoga with Berra Sertel
When we say yoga, we emphasize the universal wholeness and being a part of the whole. But isn't it better to go from small to big in order to grasp this whole? Trying to grasp the universal integrity without understanding our own bodily integrity is more than wanting to be a university graduate without going to primary school.
399.00 TL
299.00 TL
    But one day something like that happened; A wise hand handed me a gift, as if a magic ball, and said that all I had to do was carry it right over my heart. A tiny magic ball that stretches from my shoulder to my heart;
299.00 TL
Yoga Sutras 2 - Cetin Cetintas
The second and last book of the series, in which Çetin Çetintaş has translated the Yoga Sutras into Turkish one by one, is on sale! This book also explains the advanced concepts you need to know about the science of yoga; Chakras, Vayular, Koshas... This precious work is for everyone who practices Yoga...
485.00 TL
“Unicorns Are Real” Notebook - Notebook
We care, for children aged 0-6 who do not have equal access to education and social opportunities with their peers, they choose games and toys as a tool, which is one of the basic rights of the child. It supports the toys it develops with educational content and includes adults in the process. Children as individuals...
199.00 TL
  • Notebooks
Yogakioo Magazine- April May June 2019
With its extraordinary content and current topics, Turkey's yoga magazine started its publication life in 2019. Bringing a new perspective and content to the concept of the magazine, YogaKioo Magazine meets with Turkey's rising yoga community every day. YogaKioo Magazine, who wants to live healthy, curious about existence, interesting travel...
23.00 TL
All issues of Yoga Journal, the world's most widely read magazine about yoga and good life, are on Yogazero 
15.00 TL
All issues of Yoga Journal, the world's most widely read magazine about yoga and good life, are on Yogazero 
30.00 TL
All issues of Yoga Journal, the world's most widely read magazine about yoga and good life, are on Yogazero 
15.00 TL
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